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Acai Berry Freeze Dried Powder

By: Mark Roberts.

Acai berry is new to the supplement industry. Acai fruit is often made into acai juice or freeze dried into powder or made into capsules. The local natives and population has been using this as a beverage and for recipes for years. The flavor is pleasing and you may find that adding it to recipes can add a unique flavor. Adding freeze dried powder to yogurt or smoothie is a treat giving it a flavor similar to blueberry's with a touch of chocolate.

The locals and natives of the Amazon rain forest of Brazil are familiar with acai berries and have been using them in their diet both as a staple and for making beverages. The powerful little berries grow to be about the size of a blueberry and look much like them in color, size and shape. They grow on the acai palm in swampy floodplains from where they are harvested.

With one of the highest ORAC values around this amazing berry packs a punch. With acai berries gaining popularity it is also creating a shortage on the global market driving up prices.

Many people may see improvements by using acai berry products or acai pills including those dealing with various illnesses. Athletic trainers know the importance of antioxidants and supplements that supply protein and lasting energy.

Health properties that people seek from acai berry products are antibacterial, anti inflammatory, antioxidant and for immune function. Many conditions the a person may use this product for are to lose weight, detoxing and cleansing, blood pressure, heart ailments, to reduce bad cholesterol, inflammation, arthritis, dry skin and other skin related problems.

What makes these berries so amazing. They are loaded with protein and fiber and contain minerals such as phosphorus, iron, calcium and potassium. Also contains B1, B2, B3, C and E essential fatty acids Omega 6 and Omega 9 respectively Linoleic acid and Oleic acid which research indicates helps maintain normal cholesterol levels. When you looking to buy acai berry juice look for pure organic products. Some products claim to be acai berry juice but are actually a mix of other juices such as blueberry, mango, or pomegranate juice.

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To find the best retail or wholesale acai berry juice please visit >>> Acai Berry Freeze Dried Powder

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