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Parenting Advice for the Owners of Toddlers

By: Molten Marketing

Ask any parent about the toddler years, and you are likely to be met with audible groans and eye rolling. Those few years are the ones that drag on forever, with endless repetition of the same question, temper tantrums out of the blue, and the inevitable potty problems. The good news is that there are ways to calm the little ones and regain control of your home and family. Parenting advice for the mothers and fathers of toddlers is something well worth checking out.

Temper tantrums are perhaps the most widely sought area for parenting advice. Nearly every parent on the face of the Earth has had at least one moment when a toddler, with no indication about the ensuing storm, erupted with a full blown temper tantrum. The person who has never seen a cherubic toddler melt into something barely resembling a child has been dwelling in cave. Most parenting advice on this subject agrees that toddlers are at a point in their emotional development when it is nearly impossible to verbalize their wants and needs, and screaming seems like the best option.

If this occurs, whether frequently or not, parenting advice will guide you in the appropriate responses to minimize, if not eradicate, temper tantrums. Calmness and firmness goes a long way, so even if it is difficult to contain your frustrations with the situation, you have to. Be clear in your directives to your child, and do not back down. Kids have an uncanny ability to seize on a crack in your composure - they know how and when to wear you down, but do not give in to the toddler's demands. With consistency, your child will learn that temper tantrums do not get him what he wants.

Another handy piece of parenting advice has to do with potty training. The toddler years are the ones when your little one discovers how to control his bladder and bowels, but it can take months for complete mastery. For this reason, potty training can become a nightmare. There will be accidents, particularly at night, so some good parenting advice on this topic includes limiting the child's liquid intake in the hours leading up to bedtime. Also, caffeine acts as a diuretic, so caffeinated drinks and foods should be avoided completely.

On that same note, parenting advice for parents trying to facilitate potty training often includes developing a system of rewards for each time the child uses the potty correctly. Many a mother and father have had great success with this piece of parenting advice because the child will be quite happy to perform for a reward. This type of system conditions the child to associate rewards and happy parents with using the bathroom in time, which leads the child to strive to "get it."

So, parenting advice really does abound for mothers and fathers of toddlers. No matter what you need to know how to do, or how to do better, there is parenting advice on that subject. After all, parents have been dealing with toddlers since the start of the world, and they will continue forever, as well. What better way to deal with your child than to seek out parenting advice from people who know exactly what you are dealing with and exactly what will help?

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Molten Marketing member, Susan Lewis, invites you to find additional parenting advice and solid bedwetting help products at Bedwetting Help For

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