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Setting Your Weight Loss Goal

By: Debi Darline

Everyone should set goals no matter what those goals might be. When loosing weight it is imperative to set a weight loss goal. Set your goals high, if your goal does not scare you, then youv'e set your goals too low.

Steve Garvey - You have to set goals that are almost out of reach. If you set a goal that is attainable without much work or thought, you are stuck with something below your true talent and potential.

So set big goals!

Set Measurable Goals!

Set your goals in measurable steps, progressing towards your goals. Your goal is to loss 20 pounds, one pound at a time. Your goal is fitting into a size 8 dress, by Christmas, one size at a time, one week at a time! My goal is to ride in the 20 mile spring bike ride, one mile at a time, one season at a time.

Give yourself time, unreasonable time lines will only hurt you!. There are no unrealistic goals, just unrealistic time lines. Set your goals in time line sets. Start your goal for the year, for the month, for the week!

The American College of Sport Medicine, the largest and most respected health, medical and exercise organization, recommends a weight loss goal of one to two pounds a week. Doesn't sound like a lot I know, but it is the safest way to make sure to burn fat and not lean muscle mass. I set my goals to 0.5 to 1 pound a week, just to make sure!

When setting your goals, you must be reasonable. I cannot change by body type, I have no butt and no legs but large shoulders, no way I can look like Jennifer Lopez. Brain transplant would be the only way. So her curves (for me) are really not possible. Ok, fine, ill settle for a fit me!

Now lets put our goals on paper. The most important first, with all the emotion in that goal.

Be faithful to yourself , be positive, never negative, don't try, do!.

You can reach these goal if your commit to YOURSELF.

Your goal will not be easy. Nothing worth wile is, but it will be wonderful when you complete the last step and accomplish your goal!

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Health Writer Debi Devine has more information on goal setting and other helpful methods to be the best you can be at

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