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Your Must Know Guide To ADHD

By: Robert William Locke

What is the cause of ADHD in children ? Concerned parents can relax because it is NOT caused by too much TV, video games, poor diets, bad schooling, bad parenting and lack of vitamins! Much of the current research seems to point the finger at a genetic factor and/or biological causes.

The hereditary factor in ADHD has now been established. About 25% of close relatives in families with ADHD are more likely to suffer from the same conditon. The figures for the general population are much lower, only about 5%.

The British Food Agency has published its findings in the Lancet and its research points the finger at certain food colourings and additives (E102, E104 and E110) which is found in fiizy drinks and snacks which are normally eaten by children. Their research showed that these foods certainly increased the levels of hyperactivity in the children they were studying.

When there is a chemical imbalance in the neurotransmitters which help the nerve cells in the brain to communicate with each other, then the child may well develop ADHD and show symptoms like impulsiveness and lack of concentration.

Should warnings be put on certain food packaging? Is it fair to have kids eating things which are different from their peers and therefore causing problems which will have a social impact . This research into additives in kids' food is at the beginning and experts have stressed that the whole question needs further research and exploration.

What drugs are used and how safe are they ? The most common drugs are :- Adderall, Concerta and Ritalin (stimulants). A popular non-stimulant drug is :- Strattera.

What side effects are reported in children taking these drugs? Recently there has been a lot of attention in the press about this and there are concerns that children who already might have heart condition need to be monitored carefully. The drug called Adderall was withdrawn from the Canadian market because of this risk. Whatever drug is taken, children's heart conditon, blood pressure and blood tests need to be carried out on a regular basis.

Apart from drugs, what alternatives are available to parents? Sometimes, changes in diet, sleep and routine can be a great help. Another thing parents can consider are herbal and homeopathic remedies which can help to restore the balance in the child's nervous system. The great advantage is that there are no side effects or sedation and they can be beneficial in restoring good health and harmony within the family.

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Isn't it time to consider a natural ADHD cure. Get More Information on BrightSpark for Child ADD and ADHD Visit The Wellness Bible for up to date news on healthy lifestyle and Fitness

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