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What is the Cause of Celiac Disease and Other Factors?

By: Jameson Almalda

Celiac disease's cause is still to be discovered. Nevertheless, studies have shown that several factors contribute to the health condition. These factors include genetic, immunological and external factors.

Classic Cause of Celiac Disease

Celiac disease happens when an inflammation in the small intestine occurs due to the damage caused by gluten in food. Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley, and in some cases oats (still arguable to this date). When a person with celiac disease ingests gluten, his or her body displays an immunological response to the substance. As a result, the lining of the small intestine becomes inflamed, and then flattening occurs.

In celiac disease where the intestinal villi is damaged, the body loses much of its absorptive functions. As a result, the body is starved of nutrients and the person then experiences the common symptoms of celiac disease, which includes cramps, diarrhea, and vomiting.

Genetic Cause of Celiac Disease

However, it seems that the root of the cause of celiac disease can be more precisely connected to genetics. The evidence is obvious when observing the likelihood of a child of a celiac parent developing the disease, which is not uncommon. It has been studied that an individual who is a first-degree relative of another who has celiac disease is more likely to have the same condition. Although inherited, celiac disease may be activated only later in adulthood, during pregnancy, after surgery, at the event of viral infection, or even when a person is under emotional stress.

Environmental Cause of Celiac Disease

The cause of celiac disease can also be attributed to environmental factors. Viruses, bacteria and other infectious factors can trigger the development of celiac disease. Changes in diet and surgery have also been found to trigger the condition by generating an intermittent immune response and changes in the body's hormonal status.

Recent studies have also shown that even linked conditions such as diabetes mellitus, multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis occur in which environmental factors stimulate an immune response. This is probably also one reason why a person who is undergoing diagnosis for celiac disease is advised to observe if he or she is allergic to certain types of food (besides foods containing gluten).

Since there are varying factors that may be the possible cause of celiac disease, it becomes harder for us to pinpoint a cure for the health condition. However, prevention can be done by anybody and is the key to the relief from unwanted symptoms and the development of other serious health conditions such as bone deterioration and neurological impairments.

Even when there is not yet an exact cause of celiac disease found, it is still a good idea to get an accurate diagnosis for the health condition. Blood tests and a biopsy can at least reveal how you are getting your symptoms and what preventive measures you should take that are appropriate. Your doctor may recommend a gluten-free diet, nutritious supplementation, regular exercise or a combination of the three.

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What is the cause of celiac disease and other factors? Discover more information to prevent the puzzling condition called celiac disease.

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