
Articles in Home | Addiction | Alcohol

  • Medical Help for Alcoholic Withdrawal Symptoms is Available  By : Ed Philips
    The majority of people who stop drinking alcohol with immediate effect will go onto suffer from mild to moderate alcohol withdrawal symptoms due to the body reacting to the cutting off of a substance that it had become dependent on. Alcohol withdrawal syndrome is a term used to describe the body's subsequent state once the alcohol is no longer consumed after a long period of consumption.
  • Alcoholism: When your habit takes over your life and home  By : David Peters..
    Alcohol enjoys a long tradition of being an inseparable part of celebrations and social gatherings in almost every society. Be it the customary flute of champagne at weddings, or the officious glass of scotch which has become mandatory at almost every social do it is not uncommon to find the occasional drink being accepted, and even encouraged, at numerous occasions in the course of an individual's adult life. But it is when this occasional drink becomes a way to escape or deal with stress, or when an individual gets accustomed to his round of drinks every evening, that without realizing it, he succumbs to the deep dark void of alcoholism.
  • 7-STEPS TO STOP DRINKING  By : David Peters
    Well at last you have decided to stop drinking. There is no chance at all that you can stop drinking, Yes! You have no chance to stop drinking, but do know it best, that you have a better chance to do it. Yes! You can make it. You can make something better against all the incredible frustrations and insults that alcohol had made you to face. Sell all those bottles and go straight to the One Dollar Shop and get a pair of Coffee mugs. They look pretty desirable than those alcohol tins.
  • Alcoholics Anonymous: Free For People Wanting to Quit Drinking  By : Ed Philips
    Alcoholics Anonymous, more commonly known as AA is the world's largest self help group for people who want to kick their alcohol addiction. Alcoholics Anonymous is a group of men and women who have suffered from or are themselves suffering from alcoholism, and who turn towards each other in order to help themselves get rid of their addictions. If you think that you are an alcoholic or are "addicted to alcohol", then you can seek help from your local AA chapter.
  • Stop Drinking: Taking that First Step  By : David Peters
    Do you find yourself longing for the evening, only to grab a pint of beer or maybe down a few stiffs? Are you the first one to 'raise a toast to that' or propose a celebratory drink? Do you find these occasions where you decide to indulge yourself with just a couple of drinks cropping up a lot more frequently than they used to? If all of these situations sound distinctly familiar, then it's time to take a minute to seriously revaluate those drinking habits. For these are none but the precursors to the most pervasive addiction of the modern era Alcoholism.
  • Drinking and the problems it causes  By : David Peters
    Society tends to aid in the development of alcoholism by making alcohol seem glamorous, showing that by drinking, you will become more popular, more glamorous and more worthy of respects from others. The physical effects of alcoholism are somewhat gruesome. Excessive in take and prolonged use of alcohol can cause serious disturbances in body chemistry. Many alcoholics exhibit swollen and tender livers. The prolonged use of large amounts of alcohol without adequate diet may cause serious liver damage, such as cirrhosis of the liver. Alcoholism also causes loss of muscular control. It is no exaggeration to suggest someone displaying any of these extreme signs should get help for their drinking problem. Treatment is available in many forms ranging from help from your GP to a stay in an alcohol recovery centre.
  • When can you tell the symtpons of habitual drinking?  By : David Peters
    Asking your doctor for advice is also a great way to get help if you think that your drinking is getting out of control. Your physician can refer you to counselors and therapists that can help you control your drinking before it becomes a serious problem that can ruin relationships with family and friends and eventually destroy your life. It may be a good idea for you to visit an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting or two in your area, so that you can talk about your feelings in an environment where you won't be judged. You will be pleasantly surprised by the insight you will find by listening to others who may have been in your shoes at one point. You will also be able to make an honest observation about whether or not you need to get more help. No matter which methods you choose to get your drinking under control, it is important to be honest with yourself about how serious your problem is and to ask friends and loved ones for support while you're making sure that alcohol does not take over your life.
  • Start pulling your life together  By : David Peters
    Alcohol Anonymous, more commonly known as AA is the world's largest self help group for people who want to kick their alcohol addiction. Alcohol Anonymous is a group of men and women who have suffered from or are themselves suffering from alcoholism, and who turn towards each other in order to help themselves get rid of their addictions. If you think that you are an alcoholic or are "addicted to alcohol", then you can seek help from your local AA chapter. Free For All: Alcohol Anonymous membership is free for all. The organization does not solicit members but all are free to come and go as they please. There are no attendance or membership records. However, the organization does have a buddy system, where one person is codependent on the other and vice versa, and each one tries to prevent their partner from getting a relapse. Thus it is extremely easy to join Alcohol Anonymous and the group therapy that takes place at Alcohol Anonymous meetings is advised by experts for all those who want to get rid of their dependence on alcohol. You can also check out the organization's local branch by attending a couple of meetings.
  • Alcoholism is a progressive disease.  By : David Peters
    One of the difficulties in recognizing alcoholism as a disease is it just plain doesn't seem like one. It doesn't look, sound, smell and it certainly doesn't act like a disease. To make matters worse, generally it denies it exists and resists treatment. Alcoholism has been recognized for many years by professional medical organizations as a primary, chronic, progressive and sometimes fatal disease. The National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence offers a detailed and complete definition of alcoholism, but probably the simplest way to describe it is "a mental obsession that causes a physical compulsion to drink."
  • Stopping Drinking: You can do it!  By : David Peters
    If you personally make the choice that you are going to drink alcohol, whether on a regular basis or occasionally, you need to be sure that you always drink responsibly. There are a variety of different habits that you need to get into if you are going to drink in a responsible manner. Remember that you will be held responsible for your actions, whether you were drinking or not, so it is important that you only drink in a responsible manner. The following are a few tips that can help you with responsible drinking habits. Only Drink When YOU Want To. It may be easy for you to be pressured into drinking alcohol by friends, but you should only drink whenever you feel like you want to. If you are not comfortable drinking in a certain environment, or you are just not in the mood to drink, stick to how you feel and do not let others dictate when and where you drink.
  • Help with stopping drinking  By : Dan Feildman
    The overuse or abuse of alcohol (alcoholism) or other drugs is called substance abuse. It is common and costly. It can cause or worsen many medical problems and destroy families and lives. Alcohol abuse causes over 100,000 deaths in the United States and Canada each year. It is the drug most commonly abused by children ages 12 to 17. Alcohol-related motor vehicle accidents are the leading cause of death in teenagers. People who drink alcohol are more likely to engage in high-risk sexual behavior, have poor grades or job performance, use tobacco products, and experiment with illegal drugs. Alcohol and drug use may be an unconscious attempt at self-treatment for another problem, such as depression. You have an alcohol problem if your use of alcohol interferes with your health or daily living. You develop alcoholism if you physically or emotionally depend on alcohol to get you through your day.
  • Learning more about drinking, can help  By : David Peters
    Although smoking is best known for causing lung cancer, this habit is also among the biggest threats to your skin. Next to sun and chemicals, tobacco is one of the major accelerators of your skin natural aging process, and it is thought to be one of the fastest acting threats. Young people start showing signs of early skin aging after as little as 10 years of smoking. If you think this is a long period of time, you should keep in mind that many young people start smoking in their teen years (16-19 year olds) and are still below 30 when the first signs appear. Smoking causes the narrowing of blood vessels throughout your body, including those that supply the outermost layers of the skin with oxygen and nutrients. Thus, your skin is slowly starved of vital oxygen and other substances, such as immunity-boosting Vitamin A. Alcohol has a similar effect by destroying the body supply of Vitamin A. This will lower the role of skin as the first line of defense against bacteria and infections.
  • Learning how to stop drinking is important  By : David Peters
    The addiction is always stronger than the desire to quit. But, it can be done. I did it. I have been sober for thirteen years. I got tired of blackouts and hangovers and acting like someone I'm not when I'm without alcohol. I knew I wanted to stop, but I had no clue how. I went to a twelve step meeting in my church, and kept going everynight to different meetings, for four and a half years. If you let the seriously sober men and women help you, you can beat this addiction. You don't have to be afraid to go to meetings, some of the nicest people I have ever met came from inside those rooms. There is a silent camaraderie among fellow drunks, and we are more alike than different. There is a humbleness and an honesty that goes with trying to quit an addiction, and we all shared it. It's the only place you can get your own sponsor who will work the steps with you, and share their experiences, hopes and dreams. They are usually men and women who have been in the program for a while, and can help you with the skills they learned, and turn around and teach you.
  • Halt your issue with drinking as soon as possible  By : David Peters
    Alcohol use and abuse occurs with a tremendous amount of variability among individuals. Frequently, there is a limited distinction between "social" or "moderate" drinking and "problem" or" harmful" drinking. It is obvious however, that as the frequency of drinking and the amount increases, so does the probability of problem behaviors frequently resulting in medical and psychosocial problems. A very prominent group of individuals affected by alcohol problems to a significant degree, who develop the syndrome of alcohol dependence, are usually referred to by most people as alcoholics. different groups of individuals with alcohol problems usually require different approaches to diagnosis and clinical management.
  • How do you want to solve your problem?  By : Dan Brown
    Alcoholism is an illness marked by drinking alcoholic beverages at a level that interferes with physical health, mental health, and social, family, or occupational responsibilities. Alcoholism is divided into 2 categories: dependence and abuse. People with alcohol dependence, the most severe alcohol disorder, usually experience tolerance and withdrawal. Tolerance is a need for markedly increased amounts of alcohol to achieve intoxication or the desired effect. Withdrawal occurs when alcohol is discontinued or intake is decreased. Alcohol dependents spend a great deal of time drinking alcohol, and obtaining it. People who are dependent on or abuse alcohol continue to drink it despite evidence of physical or psychological problems. Those with dependence have more severe problems and a greater compulsion to drink.
  • Continuing Sobriety: Ups and Downs  By : David Peters
    The people who receive the most pressure of alcohol are average everyday kids. Generally not younger children but teenagers who can give in to the peer pressure of adults and teenagers a like. At home teens can feel they can have alcohol because their parents might drink it. Depending of the level of drink they might want to try. Another place they can receive pressure from their peers. There are thousands of problems relating to drunken driving, fighting and tons of health problems. Schools and parents need to take action and enforce rules and safe ways to avoid children from killing themselves with alcohol. Parents need to start helping their child realize the dangers of alcohol and the addiction the can face. Be careful when you are addressing your child because you may scare him/her into drinking. By balancing alcohol and family you can have a half decent teenager with less risk of a drunk driving accident.

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