
Articles in Home | Cancer | Skin Cancer

  • Schools Failing on Skin Cancer Smarts  By : Joelle Applebe
    According to experts, American schools are receiving a big, red "F" for their ability to educate and protect our kids from the dangers of skin cancer.
  • An Overview of Skin Cancer  By : John Grimme..
    Cancer. Is there any more devastating word? How stupid would you feel if you were diagnosed with it and found out you could have prevented it. In this case, we are talking skin cancer.
  • Prevent Skin Cancer  By : Kenneth Surr
    At one time, skin cancer was a disease that primarily affected Caucasians, smokers, those with a history of the disease and people who worked outside. Today, every one of us is at risk. Over the past forty years, the cases of skin cancer have doubled every ten years. It's up to us to protect ourselves and our children from this awful disease.
  • Educate Yourself About Skin Cancer  By : Keefe Figgatt
    Cancer is a very general term used to describe a potentially devastating disease. There are actually more than 100 conditions that are considered to be "cancer". All of these ailments are related to diseased cells in the body.
  • A Guide to Skin Cancer  By : John Grimme
    Cancer. Is there any more devastating word? How stupid would you feel if you were diagnosed with it and found out you could have prevented it. In this case, we are talking skin cancer.

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