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Childhood Obesity: More Problems Than Most Know

By: Molten Marketing

Childhood obesity is on the rise, and Americans know it better than anyone else. In fact, it is estimated that there are roughly millions of children currently considered overweight or obese. The question then becomes what exactly is the cause, and how are we, as a nation, to fix it?

It is no secret that exercise that burns off the consumed calories is what keeps weight stable. Consume too many calories, and weight increases; too few, weigh decreases. This is the same for adults and children alike, although growing youngsters do require more calories to sustain healthy growth, both physically and mentally. Childhood obesity is on the rise because kids do not exercise enough, and they get their extra calories not from wholesome foods, but rather from convenience, or junk, foods.

Couple the rise in junk food consumption with an ever-more sedentary lifestyle, sustained by the continued advent of new computer and video games, and there is a rise in childhood obesity. Just like adults, children must burn off excess calories. So, if a child is eating two thousand calories a day of junk food, and then never even breaking a sweat playing in the yard, it is no wonder that childhood obesity is a problem.

Parents can launch an attack on childhood obesity by setting limits on not only foods that are consumed, but on sedentary activities. As parents, you are in charge of choosing and offering healthy snack and meal alternatives to fast food and junk food. If that is all you have in the refrigerator, then that is their only option. Kids are not always able to make the best choices for themselves; give them a choice between carrots and cake, and you can be pretty certain they won't pick the former.

If nothing else, understand that childhood obesity causes a number of other problems, physically and emotionally. Diseases once mostly seen in adults, like high blood pressure, diabetes, and the like, are now much more prevalent in children. This is directly linked to childhood obesity, in that the excess weight causes such strain on the body. Likewise, emotional trauma is endured by the teasing from the non-obese peers of overweight children. This can have lasting effects.

Overall, childhood obesity is a problem that is facing millions of families. The good news is that it can be fought and defeated, beginning at home. Only serve nutritious meals and snacks and encourage children to play and exercise. Perhaps one of the best ways to start fighting childhood obesity at home is to set a good example for your children. In this way, the whole family can enjoy healthier bodies and healthier lives.

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