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Seven Ways To Rev Up Your Energy

By: Melanie Mendelson

* Get enough sleep.

Decreased energy and constant fatigue is usually the first sign of sleep deprivation. We all need at least 8 hours of sleep at night. If not, you will usually find yourself sleeping in on the weekends feeling exhausted.

If you have to wake up early in the morning, go to sleep earlier in the evening. Going to bed even 30 minutes earlier can make a huge difference in your energy levels during the day.

* Declutter.

Clutter is so stressful, especially when trying to function within a room and house. Think in those terms and get rid of all items that prevent smooth operation within the house, car and/or business.

* Drink eight glasses of water.

Being dehydrated makes you feel tired and irritable. If you are not thirsty, that does not mean that you drink enough water. By the time you feel thirsty it's too late - you are already dehydrated.

Buy a water bottle that accomidates 32 ounces or more. Fill it every morning and set it somewhere where you will see it a lot throughout your day, i.e. counter, desk, etc.

* Take a walk.

Sitting in the chair all day can make you feel stiff and tired, and then you'd feel too lazy to get up, creating a vicious cycle of inactivity.

Try to walk a little more everday. Start out with getting in a few more steps and then work up to a full walking routine.

* Stop the routine.

Break an unhealthy routine and regain control of your life. Make small changes and be patient, you will still notice a difference in your mood and energy.

Get out of that rut and do something you have always wanted to do!

Isolation is a recipe for bad mood and low energy. Even when you don't feel like dealing with anyone, spending time with a person whose company you enjoy will energize you.

* Lose weight.

Carrying excess weight puts additional strain on the body. Even an extra 10 lbs are hard to carry. Try lifting a 10 lb sack of potatoes! Now imagine it being permanently attached to you - day and night.

If you are overweight, your body has to work hard to constantly carry around the extra pounds. Shed the excess fat, and you'll feel lighter and more energetic.

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Melanie Mendelson has designed the Foolproof 30 Day Diet that will help you have fast weight loss, up to 25 lbs in 30 days. For more info, fast weight loss, and weight loss diet

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