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Stress Management Relaxation Techniques For Your Daily Life

By: Michael Blair

Most us, including me, are somewhat confused or surprised when we learn that the events of our daily lives that cause us tension and even anxiety are not actually stress or stressful events. Stress is what occurs in our bodies, we may start breathing fast, our heart rate goes up, you may feel a bit dizzy, or any number of thing that are your reaction to the tension or anxiety events that are getting to you.

Problems arise when there are too many stressors at one time or when stress is prolonged, then it results in negative symptoms. The other thing about stress is that some of the very problems that result from stress can also lead to stress.

Stress management relaxation techniques are available and often simple to do. However it is important that you both understand what "stress" is and understand the role that stress plays in your life. After all stress CAN be good for you, but to much stress is not. Lucky for you stress is "the way that your body reacts to certain events", if the way you are reacting is not help, or unhealthy, you can change it.

Stress, the actual happenings in the body, may mean any number or things, including, shallow breathing, an increased heart rate, an elevation of your blood pressure, problems with your stomach and digestive system (you may need to rush to the bathroom, or you may get constipated), etc, etc.

Prolonged stress or a failure to return to normal after the threat is gone can result in physical symptoms including chest tightness, fatigue, headaches, muscle aches, insomnia, impotence, shallow breathing and can lead to illness and disease.

There are several stress management relaxation techniques available and many of them simple techniques that you yourself can do on your own whenever the need or desire should arises:

* You can start by sitting down, comfortably, and by taking a slow, deliberate breaths, it sometimes help to close your eyes. Do this for 15 - 20 minutes.

* Tighten or contract your muscles, then relax them. Start with your toes and work your way up your body to your eye lids. Give yourself about 20 seconds to tighten and then relaxing to really feel the sensation of your muscles as they relax. Repeat up to two times and then move on to the next muscle group. When you have completed each muscle group move your arms and hands freely about and move your head from side to side.

* There are plenty of different types of guided meditation and hypnosis tapes that you can purchase in order to help you to get to the proper place in your mind for the procedure to have a positive effect.

* Their are many kinds of relaxation techniques. Meditation, biofeedback, music therapy, and relaxation self hypnosis tapes or CDs (easier and faster than learning meditation or biofeedback).

These are just a few techniques that can prove to be useful when you are trying to find ways around your stress problems. If you feel overwhelmed by stress, and don't find these stress management relaxation techniques you may want to speak to a therapist in order to find out some other types of things that you can do to remedy the problem.

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There's more about the keys to stress relief and anxiety relief by going over to Mike's site

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