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Can Your Health Improve Using Yoga

By: Y P Chinn

Yoga does not seem to command the same form of respect from modern day society as it once did in the past. It is sad that the beauty of yoga has somehow lost its brilliant luster, tarnished by the fast paced lifestyles of today's globalization. The ancient art of yoga has been represented as a simple concept to help people gain a better understanding of the overall philosophy. The complex nature of its contents may be a little challenging for westerners to understand.

It is unwise to gain a shallow knowledge about a diverse topic and yet speak about it from an expert's viewpoint. There is a tendency among the westerners to highlight only the physical aspects of yoga. There is more to yoga than the mere attainment of inner balance and serenity.

It originates from the Hindu religion and it is actually a part of the Hindu philosophy. Yoga as a part of India's diverse culture and philosophy is actually a spiritual experience that includes some complicated physical moves. But the western world prefers to refer yoga as a mere physical practice. Yoga, with its strange looking symbols may seem mystical to the average Joe, but sadly, they are often misunderstood. This discipline is practiced as a popular sport. Additionally, people who desire inner tranquility would often find this practice to be beneficial and of course a lot of people have been attracted to yoga as a form of practice to achieve inner peace.

This perception is often strengthened by the various claims made by the so called yoga masters. There is plenty of evidence to show that yoga has been wrongly implemented in the West. A closer look revealed that these errors were caused by the cultural influence of each race. In order to truly understand this concept moments of quiet, peaceful times are necessary to contemplate on this philosophy, and that is certainly an element that is absent in the hectic lifestyle of the western civilization.

While meditation is an integral part of the practice, the westerners with their ever busy lifestyles certainly do not posses time for such luxuries. The greed for power and material wealth which is integral in the western culture has no place in the Hindu culture. Perhaps the western man shall never reach the peaks of wisdom according to the parameters set by the Hindu religion and culture. Patience and time is crucial for meditation. The westerners do not view investment in such contemplative moments for the attainment of philosophical wisdom to be beneficial. It places high degree of importance in the mere acquisition of wealth and power.

In the West yoga has often been practiced by those who desire to look good and stay in style. It is easy to practice yoga anywhere you want. There are plenty of materials for you to select from those that are promoting this activity as a form of sport. There are some famous people who embrace this practice and become fake gurus. Their followers have become the pillars supporting the growth of this false and wrong philosophy.

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