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Yoga For The Rest of US - Gwinnett Yoga Center

By: Dolche Huggins

Yoga remains a difficult issue to discuss in this century. It is a pity that modern day globalization has caused this amazing ancient art to be viewed as a distant and mysterious concept. It is amazing to see the whole philosophy fuelling yoga's methodology being reduced to a simple concept, justified by the need to make it easy for the layperson to understand.

The intricacies of this practice may not be easily understood by the western civilization. It is a very dangerous and unethical to merely dabble on the surface and then talks about this subject as an expert! Unfortunately, the western world seems to place the physical aspects of yoga as the main focus. Yoga has been cherished as a form of physical activity that has some beneficial effects on the mind in creating peace and serenity.

This unique practice is actually a religious journey, a representation of one of the Hindu schools of thought. Yoga as a part of India's diverse culture and philosophy is actually a spiritual experience that includes some complicated physical moves. The westerner's viewpoint that yoga is a physical activity is very wrong and distorted. The strange symbols related to the yoga practice have created some awareness among the westerners that there is more to yoga than the physical aspects, but they are often misunderstood. Operating from the wrong paradigm, yoga became a form of sports in the western world. The allure of yoga as an effective way to gain inner peace and balance has beckoned many to embrace this activity as well. Additionally, people who desire inner tranquility would often find this practice to be beneficial.

People are fascinated by the claims made by the yoga masters who often come with these promises. Research shows that yoga has been highly misunderstood in the west and therefore plenty of fatal errors were detected in the way yoga is implemented.

Different groups practicing yoga have its own cultural structure and these influences are responsible for those fatal errors detected in the practice of this ancient art. In order to truly understand this concept moments of quiet, peaceful times are necessary to contemplate on this philosophy, and that is certainly an element that is absent in the hectic lifestyle of the western civilization.

For instance, meditation is the crux of this philosophy but busy Americans do not possess the time to spend in a few hours of relative sessions every day. The Hindus have a different set of value system that is very different from the west, and places low importance in the mere accumulation of physical wealth. Perhaps the western man shall never reach the peaks of wisdom according to the parameters set by the Hindu religion and culture.

To gain maximum benefits from each meditation session, one needs to spare time and exercise tremendous patience in carrying out each essential part of the practice. This is what the westerners lack. The west seems cursed with the obsession to pursue the goal of building better lives in the form of lavish lifestyles and not in the philosophical way.

Here, yoga as been practiced by those who desire to look good and stay in style. There are plenty of materials promoting it as a form of sports; you can practice yoga anywhere and anytime you want. There are famous people who embraced this practice and become fake gurus and still they have enough support from their followers. These followers have become the pillars supporting the growth of this false and wrong philosophy.

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Janice Jive is a Alternative Medicine Specialist: Take it from me Yoga is the ultimate for relieving stress. Visit our site and learn the proven healing secrets of using Yoga in combination with Massage Oils and Aromatherapy Oils Treatment.

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