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Is the Concept of Ways to Alter Consciousness a New Idea?

By: Lorelei

When we talk about the concept of altering consciousness, what do we actually mean? Do we mean improving our memory? Is it increasing our IQ or improving our sleep? Are we discussing becoming psychic or clairvoyant, or reaching a deeper meditation state? Or do we simply want to be able to stop yelling at our children? Now as I see it, altering consciousness is all of this and much, much more. It is shifting the very way we think, see the world, live our lives, and exist on this planet.

And I will admit, all of this sounds very new-agey and far out, and in many ways it is.

When we speak of ways to alter consciousness a lot of people think of things like Echart Tolle's book A NEW EARTH, or the movie THE SECRET. Some people think of yoga mediation, and Buddhism. Others think of a life-altering course called The Landmark Forum. Still others reach deep into their various religions and spiritual leanings to come up with quotes such as "Love your enemies. Do good to those who hate you" and "There but for the grace of God go I."

And as we think further about altering consciousness there may come a realization There is nothing new or different here.

The human race has wanted to alter its consciousness for thousands of years. We have even had some brilliant ideas of what direction to alter it to- living on this earth in peace and harmony, for instance- or having tolerance for others, good judgment, and an abundance of love- or helping people instead of harming them. In short we have had the wonderful idea that all beings should live their lives in joy and happiness, with their needs met and a high level of satisfaction in life. They should do this-and humans have believed this almost without exception.

No, the idea is not a new one. So then what is new here? Obviously there is something that makes the concept of altering consciousness hit our world, and rock it like an atom bomb. Here's what I believe. I believe that lots of people are dropping the bomb of possibility for a new new world order right on top of our heads. And we, for the first time ever, are actually able to see what it is. Masses of us now believe that we may be able to alter our lives and the world, by altering our consciousness. And this is a totally new phenomenon. Now we don't say it's definite. We don't say it will be easy. But many of us do say "This could happen." And that's big, and it's brand spankin' new.

Now here is what none of us is sure of- will kill ourselves of, or will we become this possibility of a whole new world?

If you're an optimist like me, you're trying to beat the clock. You and I will try to pull for humanity to find ways alter consciousness, and quickly. And in my articles and blogs, I will give you some good ideas of how to do this. Some are time-honored and take work and practice. Others like brain entrainment are simpler to do and may work more quickly. So stay tuned as we explore this whole new, but old, world. And with that I will say, namaste, and peace be with you.

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For more ways to enhance your life and increase consciousness, visit these blogs by famed activist and speaker Lorelei F waystoalterconsciousness howdoesreikiwork

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