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The Different Styles of Yoga - And Which Will Be Best For You

By: Christina Ingham

Yoga in Sanskrit stands for union and it denotes a union or balance between the spirit, body and mind so there is a state of harmony. This is an ancient holistic method of individual improvement practiced for years. Practiced for almost 5000 years, the body is gradually conditioned by emphasizing the strengthening of the mind and body, at the same time stimulating the soul - it is both a science and a philosophy.

A Yogi is a male Yoga practitioner and Yogini is a female practitioner. Indian philosophy has six orthodox systems, of which this is one and is considered an applied science of the body and the mind. Comprehending the philosophy of it is a lifetime pursuit and it is just not about squatting in lotus position and chanting.

Practicing Yoga is one of the most effective ways of handling stress and it also effective in treating back problems that result due to postural defects. Complementary therapies make people feel good and this gives enough cause to cancer patients to resort to these methods. According to many who know, the best time to practice it is during the morning right before your breakfast.

This ancient holistic system has many styles to it and some are given below: Raja Yoga: This literally means kingly yoga and is one of the four main paths of yoga. The practice of this yoga is meditation and methods that help in controlling the body, mind, energy and the senses.

The Kundalini Yoga is a non stressful and safe practice which gives instant results. It is based on a set of special exercises or Kriyas. We also have Hatha Yoga which is an extremely wonderful system that is comprised of breath control and postures; it is the basis for all of the modern asana based discipline forms.

Sahaja Yoga - This is a unique meditation based method for self realization, Kundalini awakening. This experience is personal, arising within each and every person. Moksha hot yoga: This is therapeutic yoga that is a practiced in a special place with a temperature that is above the atmospheric temperature based on the traditional principles of yoga.

Yoga is becoming more and more popular among all age groups from kids to adults. Its growth and popularity as a form of exercise is due to the fact that here nothing is done to you, it is something you do to yourself. Pregnant women can increase endurance and flexibility as it is considered to be one among the best activities that you perform during your pregnancy.

Yoga is becoming popular among soldiers who are keen in working on their stamina, mental focus and flexibility as per Fit Yoga and the Associated Press. The crux of the matter is that this is not just a physical exercise routine but a discipline that provides an overall sense of wellness and inner harmony.

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Yoga and other types of meditation complement each other extremely well when it comes to experiencing all the benefits of meditation like improving your health and making you feel great Grab a totally unique version of this article from the Uber Article Directory

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