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Got a Headache? Here Are 10 Ways to Prevent One

By: Kim Archer.

There's nothing like a throbbing headache to bring you down. Suffering with a headache can deplete your energy reserves, reduce your efficiency, and put a halt to everyday activities. Who needs the pain?

There are a number of types of headaches, such as tension, sinus and migraine. But as we learn more about this problem, it becomes evident that they are often avoidable.

Instead of constantly reaching for the aspirin bottle, try a more proactive approach to pain management. By following these 10 effective strategies, you can stop your next headache in its tracks.

1. When you're outside on a sunny day, cover your head with a hat. Too much of the sun's heat can cause vascular changes in your brain and alter its delicate balance of fluids. The result is frequently a headache.

2. Avoid exhaust fumes. The noxious mix of chemicals produced by construction equipment or a car's exhaust pipe can rapidly set off a headache.

3. Don't style your hair too tightly. Tight ponytails, braids and buns irritate the connective tissues of the muscles around your scalp. The same applies to headbands, tight hats and heavy earrings.

4. Relax. Tension headaches are caused by - you guessed it - too much tension. Clear your mind of worries. When you feel overwhelmed, listen to music, soak in a hot tub, light some scented candles, or take a nap.

5. Shut out the racket. Noise pollution is a leading cause of headaches. And we're not just talking about the cacophony of a busy city street with traffic and construction. Turn down the volume on your stereo. Turn off the TV if you're not watching it. Send the kids outside to play. Invest in some ear plugs for when you venture out into noisy surroundings.

6. Make a visit your dentist. Sometimes, toothache pain can actually masquerade as headache pain, or can make a headache occur when you didn't have one before. Making sure everything is fine in your mouth will help ensure that everything is fine with your head, too. This is especially true if your troublesome tooth is in your upper mouth instead of your lower mouth.

7. Sit up straight. Bad posture leads to headaches by cramping your neck and shoulder muscles. If you sit for most of your workday, make sure your chair and computer are positioned properly so you don't slouch. Consider purchasing a back support cushion.

8. Eat regular meals. If you skip meals, this means that your blood sugar is going to plummet, as will your energy level. This can trigger a headache and even a migraine, if you're prone to them.

9. Stay away from caffeine and monosodium glutamate, both of which can cause headaches.

10. Keep track of your headaches. Start a headache journal and write down when you get them and what you were doing when you got one. What did you eat? What was the weather like? Could it be a symptom of PMS? Keeping a "headache journal" can help pinpoint possible causes of headaches if you see a pattern of what you were doing/eating, etc., just before one occurred.

Certainly, there are lots of causes for a headache, and these guidelines shouldn't be replacement for a visit to your doctor. But it's worth a try to see if you can discover what's triggering your chronic headaches and pre-empt them without popping pills.

You might just find yourself relying less and less on the pill bottle.

Article Source:

Kim Archer writes about women's wellness. She is publisher of The Internet Spa, where you'll find up-to-date information to rejuvenate your mind, body and spirit.

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