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How To Heal The One Million Ways That You Can Get A Headache

By: Christian Goodman.

A lot of things could lead to our getting a headache these days. Hitting your head on something, missing your caffeine fix, eating your ice cream too fast, being overly stressed, being too tired, or when you're sick. The list can go on and on.

About one in every six Americans today suffer from chronic headaches and migraines - that is, headaches and migraines that occur infrequently, but regularly. Naturally, it's difficult for the rest of the body to do any kind of work when the head is in great pain. Experts estimate that chronic headaches cause workers to lose man-hours and costs the U.S. economy about $50 billion each year.

Where does all that money go? Into the medical industry, I imagine.

Fortunes are being made by doctors and pharmaceutical companies from sales of headache and migraine medications, treatments, and therapies. The problem is that these treatments are only effective temporarily, but they do address the real cause of headaches and migraines.

Which is none other than oxygen deprivation. But don't count on the pros to tell you that.

Our body is composed of cells, and every single cell needs oxygen to function properly. Lack of oxygen in the cells in the head will make the veins inflamed and brush against the nerves of the brain, and this is what causes chronic headaches and migraines.

Since most of us are used to breathing shallowly and practice bad posture, the more we experience lack of oxygen that causes chronic headaches and migraines.

If only the medical world acknowledged and addressed this underlying cause, the American economy wouldn't be missing out on so much money and manpower.

And as usual, it's Christian Goodman to the rescue

My Migraine and Headache Relief Program directly addresses the real cause of the problem. The simple exercises and practices in my program will show you how to increase the amount of oxygen in your body and restore the body's natural balance.

Not only will you get rid of your headaches and migraines for good, but you will also be in better shape than ever before. You will be surprised at how much in life you've been missing before.

Wouldn't you like to see just how much?

Warm Regards,

Christian Goodman

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Christian Goodman is a popular health researcher and an author of several ground breaking natural health alternatives methods. One of his resent breakthrough is his natural migraine and headache program . You can learn more about Christian on his blog.

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