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The Relationship Between Sleep Apnea and Your Weight

By: Christian Goodman.

Sleep Apnea is a medical condition characterized by interrupted breathing patterns during sleep. Someone with this condition normally snores loudly, may stop breathing for 10-20 seconds during sleep, then resumes breathing with a gasp, choke, or loud snort.

This may occur anywhere from 5 to 30 times in an hour, and the reduced amount of oxygen in the blood can be life threatening.

Sleep apnea affects one in about every 25 adults, but 90% of all sleep apnea cases aren't reported.

The reason for this is that the sufferer is not aware that these episodes of non-breathing are happening, so he does not know that he already has a medical condition.

It's often the sufferer's bed partner or roommate who initially notices the symptoms.

It's common knowledge that obesity is a cause of sleep apnea (the additional fat around the neck pushes against the airways). What isn't as well-known is the fact that sleep apnea also causes obesity in return - the decreased amounts of oxygen in the blood triggers a "panic mode" in the body, causing it to store more fat to compensate for decreased energy reserves.

It is a cruel cycle, and it will not end unless it is cured.

If you have these symptoms - overweight, with dry/sore throat, headaches in the morning, and feeling of tiredness during the day, then you may be suffering from sleep apnea.

Most doctors will advise you to lose weight, claiming that even a 10% reduction in weight will curb sleep apnea and help you sleep better. It's helpful advice, but 10% of your body weight doesn't sound so easy to shed once you do the math.

That's where my Snoring Program comes in.

My Snoring Program doesn't entail any rigorous exercise and weight loss, but has been used by hundreds of my satisfied clients to cure their sleep apnea and get much-needed rest during the night.

By following the easy steps incorporated in my Snoring Program, the body will not go into "panic mode" during sleep. This in turn will increase the energy that you will get from sleep, thus making it easier for you to maintain a healthy body weight. Two birds with one stone.

But hitting three birds with one stone is even better, right?

For sleep apnea sufferers, they can also use my new Weight Loss Program to solve the underlying causes of this condition, as well as other problems caused by being overweight.

My Weight Loss Program involves exercises that are not even workout exercises. No one has probably ever heard of these exercises before.

See my Snoring Program and Weight Loss Program to know how I can help you cure your sleep apnea and have a healthier life.

Article Source:

Christian Goodman is a well known researcher and author of natural health remedies and health guides. His latest research is on how to Cure Snoring, and his Best weight loss program

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